Some Facts And Myths About Acne

Some Facts And Myths About Acne

Some Facts And Myths About Acne

Some Facts And Myths About Acne – Truth is acne is actually part of growing. The acne pimples are area of the skin forming like wounds and cysts that occur as part of the changes a kid experiences along the way of puberty. Teenagers would seek counsel from any of their peers or even their parents about these pimples or they may choose to cope with it ignorantly.
Listed below are the most typical myths about acne that teenagers believe and the facts that oppose these ideas:
‘ Washing the face for many times
Many believe that the more they wash their face the lesser pimples they get. This isn’t proper, this is whats called over washing. In fact, complications may result from over doing the routine since it will irritate the skin due to the use of harsh soaps.
Acne occurs due to some foul changes such as dead skin cells inside the skin and doing something harsh on the surface on the skin wouldn’t make a difference. It’s great to wash the face regularly but it must be done gently using a cleanser or mild soap. The number of washes should not exceed to two times a day.
‘ Popping the pimple/s
Some people just can’t wait for their pimples to vanish so they choose to pop it out. By doing this, the skin becomes vulnerable of infection, scarring, and even more pimples due to the bacteria that gets into the skin while popping the acne pimples out.
‘ Tanning for acne treatment
Sunlight kills skin bacteria but it doesn’t mean that it is an alternative for treating acne pimples. In fact, if skin cells die out and result to dried skin then the skin produces more oil which is among the factors that cause pimples.
‘ Diet as one factor for getting acne
Chocolate, coffee, oil, and sugar among many foods people eat do not, in any way, cause acne. No type of diet can cure acne but healthy lifestyle can certainly avoid infections caused by pimples. Some foods were actually proven to exacerbate acne only in cases of allergy but never were it shown to be the main cause.
‘ Long hair complicates acne
The main cause of acne is bacteria and if the person’s hair is long and is not cleansed properly then it will definitely complicate acne.
‘ Girls are more susceptible to having acne than boys
Acne is commonly present among boys due to the male hormone called androgen which is dominant.
The most disturbing myth about acne is its being contagious.

You Also Desire to Read Concerning : How you can Get Rid Of Acne At Home , you’ve come to the right place. We researched and reviewed the top acne treatments available without a prescription. Don’t wait !! This one actually cured my acne. You don’t have to put up with severe acne and run the risk of getting scars on your face.

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